Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Perfect Ending to a Long Day

Yesterday would have been a wonderful day at work under normal circumstances. Everything going on with Aunt Janet was a bit distracting for me. I like to feel my feelings and process them, however I can't do that at work. It made my day seem very long. Yet if it were any other day, I would have left work with a smile on my face and enjoyed the sunshine on my drive home.

Instead I went home dreading the idea of cooking dinner. That's simply not me at all. I love cooking and I'm good at it!!! It's one of the things I do to show how much I appreciate my hardworking husband. Last night before I was home, Jon had straightened up the house and had dinner ideas of his own. Quick and easy was on the menu... Chicken nuggets and potatoes. Not my favorite, but hey, I didn't have to cook and he loved it. He knew I was having a rough day and by taking the burden of cooking off me for one night, he did so much more than I could explain. After a quick nap and a bit of TV Jon left for his Monday night bowling league.

Chanda and her lovely sweet daughters came over to hang out with me while Jon was gone... Chanda's mission: make me laugh! My mission: Give her sore back a rest, make her laugh, and introduce her to everything Sensaria! lol We made monkey bread together (it's my new favorite), played with all of my Sensaria products (I'm addicted), goofed around with the kids (a full work out), and then Jon cam home (dun-dun---dun). Chanda's youngest Chloe plays shy with Jon. She flirts with him, but has always ran past him and avoided eye contact. She literally has never given him a "high-five" or a hug goodbye. Last night was the first time she has actively played with Jon. She was tickling him, jumping on the bed with him (yes- Jon jumped on our bed and I thought it was going to break), eating Ruffles with him, and grabbing his hand to take him along to whatever new activity she could find. It was the most adorable & hilarious hour I have ever spent with that little girl. Jon was in HEAVEN! Soon after the jumping on the bed, we realized it was 11:00pm and way past our bed time and the sweet little girls. Chanda loaded them into the car, gave big hugs, and headed to her home 5 minutes away. Now that Chloe is all about Jon, we'll see how it goes the next time they're together... that will be the real test.

It was such a perfect night. I stayed up 2 hours later than I normally do, but it was so worth it. I had a great time with my best friend, two sweet girls, and a goofy husband. A night to remember for sure...


  1. I am so touched that the girls and I could turn your Monday around!That means so much to me. I am so glad Jon and Chloe finally had there bonding moment. We will have to set up more playdates for Jon and Chloe so that they will become better playmates!tehehe.....

  2. I am so touched that the girls and I could turn your Monday around. That means so much to me.I am so glad that Chloe and Uncle Jon finally had there breakthrough bonding moment, it warmed me from head to toe. We will have to set up some playdates for Uncle Jon and Chloe to become better acquainted and better playmates!Tehehe.......
