Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Week Back at Work

I returned to work on Monday with lots of emails to catch up on. It's hard to sit and read them for hours finding out what's changed, if they apply to me, or if they did 6 weeks ago. That was Monday; thankfully it was a quick day. After work, I went to urgent care for follow up on no sleep. Yup, I'm still not sleeping, the day time restlessness has calmed down a little and the night time restlessness is almost completely gone thanks to the medication. I'm still staying away from leaded coffee's right now and no soda. I'm afraid of caffeine for the first time in my life. The doctor I saw was awesome; she was so thorough and understanding. We made a plan of action and I'm trying it this week before I see another doctor on Monday. So hopefully this will be the end of it and I'll be back to sleeping through the night soon.

Monday night mom had a pampered chef party, so of coarse I went to that. It was nice being around woman. I didn't know many since they were from mom's work, but it was a nice time. I didn't stay late, I had a bored husband at home and I wanted to be home with him relaxing.

Yesterday was harder then Monday. I'm learning the less sleep I get and the more I'm doing during the day, the more tired I am by the end of work. It's a great thing I'm only working 7:30-12:30. I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's exhausting. I got off work yesterday and went home and curled up on the couch. I'm afraid of sleeping during the day because I don't know if I'll sleep at night. Paco and I watched TV and played Farmville (the really addicting game on fb). Jon got home around 4:30 and we were both so exhausted and hungry we ordered pizza. I hate it when you're so tired that opening a can of chili seems like more than you can do. :) lol

Today I woke up and and got ready for work. My hair is curly, my make up is on, and I look pretty darn cute... if I do say so myself. But that's just the outside appearances. If you look deep enough you'll see an emotional, tired, and sad girl. Emotional from lack of sleep, tired because of no sleep, and sad because I didn't think this recovery would take such a toll on me physically and emotionally. I have an amazing husband who has been so supportive. He's always trying to find ways to keep me happy or cheer me up... that doesn't typically take work, that's just who I am. I know I'm not my bubbly, happy, fun self... I'm praying a lot and searching for answers that I can't seem to find. I'm trying to be patient, but patience is something that I lose with lack of sleep. I feel like I'm in this whirlwind and can't see anything clearly, so I just go through the motions of normal.

Mom is pretty good at listening and helping me through the whirlwind. We compare notes on this most recent surgery and last years. It's hard for both of us to remember all the details of where I was in my recovery, but last year I didn't have a deadline to return to work. I was fortunate to be unemployed with no pressure to find a job until I was ready and able. I hope that by returning to work and being on a schedule now, I will be pulled out of this rut and sleep will be my friend again.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Catch up

My memory can't recall a daily report for the last week, but I remember some of the highlights.

Last Week:
  • Jon was only able to work one day last week with his thumb injury, but he's worked all this week.
  • I spent Thursday hanging out at Harrison while Valann was induced... Kaiya wasn't ready to meet everyone yet, so they sent mommy and daddy-to-be home for a few days.
  • Jon and I made a quick trip to Eugene, Oregon last Friday... we watched lots of football and Papa examined our eyes. I picked out new super cute glasses... I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.
  • Jon and I made it home on Sunday by kick off. I spent the afternoon at home doing laundry and watching the game, while Jon went to his friends for the game. (We spoke during great and not so great plays)
This week:
  • Monday marked 6 months since we said our "I do's" Jon brought me home dinner, red roses, and a beautiful I love my wife card. I love wife cards now! :)
  • Yesterday, I spent lunch with my great radiation therapy co-workers for my belated birthday. I stopped in and said hi to everyone in Oncology. Then I saw Miss Andrea M. who is back to work in the Harbor with me. She and I met when I was 19, we both worked at Cardiac Study Center.
  • Last night at 9pm I got a text message from Valann, Miss Kaiya Annmarie made her debut at 8:23pm... 6.6 lbs and 18.7 inches. Perfectly healthy mommy and baby.
Today, Chanda and Chloe came over and spent the day with me while I waited for the delivery of my new washer and dryer. I helped Chanda make a baby blanket while we waited. My appliances were to come between 8-12... I started calling at 12:30, at 4pm this evening I finally spoke with a manager who helped me. The delivery charge is automatically added into the price of the set, so we're being refunded the delivery charge. Plus since my set isn't actually in stock again, they've upgraded my appliances and they should be here first thing tomorrow morning!

I return to work on Monday, I'm looking forward to having a schedule again and being social. I'll be part time to start and then work myself back up to full time. At least that's the plan!

I'll update this weekend!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Jon's Thumb Injury

This morning a little before 9 am, Jon called me in his normal calm voice and said "Don't freak out Babe, but I need you to meet me at Harrison ER". I typically follow that with "What did you do?" Where he down plays the cut to his thumb. He's now joking that he tried to cut it off... he was just unsuccessful. Jon was on a job site alone this morning trying to set a tub. It was setting uneven due to a piece of tile that was under one of the feet of the tub. He was lifting the tub and reaching with his left hand to grab the tile. The sharp end sliced into his thumb, creating a flap. It required 4 stitches and Tylenol or Motrin for pain. We were there until 11:15 and he's been being pampered... well as much as I can do. We're now trying to figure out dishes, it's too much for me and he can't get his hand wet... paper plates it is!

He's going to be home on the couch with me until Wednesday with his hand elevated. Aren't we a pair?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Finally Sleep

I did what the doctor prescribed and I slept last night from 11:30 pm-7 am. For the first time since our wedding, I woke up with no Jon next to me... He moved to the spare bedroom sometime in the night. He said I was sound asleep that I was snoring (something I don't normally do). Since he knew I needed the sleep he didn't try to wake me up or roll me over. Isn't that sweet!?!?!? He came back to bed and we slept in (no snoring for either of us) until 9:30. I feel like a completely rejuvenated person.

Today was a great day! We did laundry, got the house straightened up, put my new bedding set on our bed with fresh clean new sheets! Nanna and Gramps came over for the Seahawks game... Jon has a 67 inch TV with surround sound... it's like being in the stadium... well almost :) They were impressed! Uncle Mark and Aunt Deanna stopped in to wish me a happy belated birthday. I got a new pretty plant for my porch.

It's been a good day. I feel like I'm on the up and up... becoming human again. :) I hope that tonight is another restful night!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Planning to Sleep Tonight

I went to urgent care today, it was a good experience. I was in and out in under an hour. I was prescribed one medication for my nighttime restlessness and something to help with the day time. Both should help me sleep, so that's the plan for the night!

Sleepless & Restless

My Dad told me know one's ever died from not sleep... while this is probably true, I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm very emotional and activity wipes me out. I'm so not myself and I'm dreading the next two weeks. I return to work on Sept. 28th and no sleep isn't making me feel like I'll be ready to return.

When I stopped taking my pain medication two weeks ago I wasn't prepared for the sleepless and restless days and nights. I'm on my 10th night of not sleeping and I can't nap during the day. I'm averaging 2-4 hours of sleep every 24. After last years surgery, I knew that it was likely that I'd wake up often, but I was able to nap then. I feel like if the restlessness was gone, sleep could be possible. I looked up the medications I was on and sleeplessness and restlessness are often side effects, so I'm going to see a doc this evening.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

My Happy 25th Birthday Evening at Mom's
(family portraits didn't turn out good enough to show everyone)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekend Catch Up

Friday, Jon went to the Tacoma Rainier's baseball game. I spent the evening with my parents and little brother. We watched a movie and ate dinner late. I loaded Paco up in the car and we headed home for real. hehe Not like last weekend, this time we came home to stay. (I'm still unpacking, it's a slow process) I got home around 10:45 and Jon joined me around 11:30. It was so nice!

Saturday, Jon slept in... I'm still not sleeping well and I'm waking up earlier than I'd like to be. We had a really lazy day! Lots of movies and take out.

Sunday, the busiest day I've had since surgery, also the first and last day that I wore jeans. I don't know when I'll do that again. Chapel Hill (a church in Gig Harbor that a few of my co-workers attend) launched a "Go Sunday". We do it at our church on Thanksgiving weekend. It's a day where the church closes for the day and the members worship by serving others. My wonderful co-workers went to a patient's house in the pouring rain... cleaning her gutters, clipping her rose, lots of yard work, detailing her car, and much much more. I went to "sit and look pretty" as my co-workers said. It was neat seeing everyone especially our patient who is one of the most gracious and wonderful woman I have met.

After Jon and I visited, we went to Costco... Jon doesn't have a Costco card since Mom and I share a membership, so I had to go... We kept it easy and short, only getting the necessities but being there was a little harder than I thought it would be. On our way home we swung in to Lowes which was having a huge sale... I checked out my dream front load washer and dryer... (just to look)well Jon said we could get them...

So we ordered them yesterday! They'll be here in 10 days! I'm so excited. I've been reading reviews and figuring out what I wanted for months... I can't wait!

Sunday night Valann came over for laziness and movies, she ended up staying the night and hanging out in pj's all day with us yesterday. Mom came to visit us too. She brought us food and cleaned a bit. She's the best.

Today I woke up early, but I had a project to do. I got to sew, cut, and sew some more. I'm making Valann's baby shower gift. I bought fabric a month ago, but haven't been home to sew or anything... I didn't think I'd finish in one day, but I DID!!!

Tomorrow I turn 25... 09-09-09... it doesn't feel like tomorrow is going to be my birthday, but I'm sure looking forward to mom's homemade cheesecake (it's like 3 inches thick!)

That pretty much sums it up. I'll post some pictures this week...

Thursday, September 3, 2009


First let me say thank you for every one's prayers. I know there are more people praying for me than reading this and than I realize , I am constantly reminded what an awesome God we serve.

I don't have any infection. I have a seroma, he described it as a pocket of clear fluid that can develop in the body after surgery or big irritation... Dr. Medwell actually laughed and said it was nothing. (He's a very serious man, so that was a relief). I have to keep an eye on it, because it can become infected. After pricking me with a needle (that I amazingly didn't feel) and draining some out, he believes my body will absorb it or it will drain.

When I don't feel very strong, everyone else seems to be strong for me!

Another Trip to the Surgeons

OK I know I haven't been keeping everyone update enough. For the last few days I've been keeping an eye on my wound/incision/scar and it's healing process... It hasn't been looking right to me since Sunday, Mom and Jon said Tuesday...

It started to get puffy and for fear of grossing any one out I leave the visual description to that. It's warm, not hot, it's turned red, there's little if no pain, unless my pants rub but there's worry for infection. I saw a nurse yesterday with mom's work who told me I should be with my surgeon right away. So today I see him at 10:20. She told me it could be a stitch that my body isn't absorbing, but it could be an infection... either way, the fluid may need to be drained.... oops was that too much? I have this fear of it needing to be lanced or something.

I was beginning to feel good, still not sleeping, but feeling better and better. All week with nothing but Tylenol, which is awesome. But this kind of knocks the breathe out of my lungs. I've never had one surgery, go without some type of problem. Can't I catch a break? I feel like there should be a level or amount of pain one person should be allowed to feel... I say this on my hard day, knowing that this is little and many MANY people have it worse then I do. I feel guilty feeling like this; especially when I work in oncology and know that my troubles are small in comparison of many of out patients.

My FB page has been reassuring to me, with everyone noting their prayers for me. It's reassuring in down moments to see all the people praying, when mine seem more like pleas. Thank you for being strong on be half.

I'll update everyone this afternoon!