Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 days until Christmas...

Where has the year gone? This is the first time I have ever done last minute shopping. I'm usually ahead of the game; with my Christmas cards done the weekend after Thanksgiving, presents bought and wrapped under the tree by the second weekend in December... THIS YEAR IS DIFFERENT! :) I have the majority of my shopping done, some presents wrapped, and my Christmas cards??? That's a good question. . . I haven't even started. I'm hoping to have them done by the New Year. We will see how that goes.

Continueing with the idea of different... This is our first year married and we're struggling to do it all. Prior to Jon, I went to three different places on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. Jon had two places to go. Now that we're married we are trying to divide holidays "fairly" among family. We would of course love to be able to see everyone, but in an attempt to keep our sanity and the joy of holidays we are splitting things up. I can't imagine that we are the first couple to go through this... but it sure feels like it. We made it through Thanksgiving, I'll let you know how Christmas goes.

Jon and I have been so busy this month with work and our new dog. A big dog requires so much more of us... Balls thrown every night, rain or shine and a long walk to exert all that energy! What did I get myself into? Better yet, what did I let Jon get us into? Hahaha- We love Junior and he's a good dog. Because he's so good, we want to give him the best life possible and make sure we meet his playing and running needs. Paco's small, doesn't like to be wet, loves to play in the house and not outside. He's a good lovable, little, indoor dog, but he never prepared us for the demands of Junior.

I'll post picture of Junior and Paco soon

1 comment:

  1. I really do look foward to hearing how Christmas goes for the Hunter's... Like I told Jon one of these days you two are just gonna say "Hey everyone we will be home this year if you want to see us come on by"!
