Well Jon and I enjoyed our time at home, but we came back to mom's last night. Now I'm enjoying a relaxing day with the pooches, watching TV which by the way- day time TV is horrible.
Yesterday I didn't have to take any pain medication until night, and today's starting off well too. I'm taking it really easy, so I haven't needed anything. It's not even two weeks after surgery, so this feels like a big accomplishment. :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
First Time Home
Jon and I have only been home for a few hours, but it's a great feeling. Our plan is to stay here until tomorrow evening. I don't know if they trust me or that I trust me enough to be at home this early. I've only been out of the hospital 1 week and mom thinks I should have another week of pampering before returning home to a large list of things that I'll want to do. :)
Alright, well I'm going to enjoy my home for the next 24 hours. Later!
Alright, well I'm going to enjoy my home for the next 24 hours. Later!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Finally Friday
I know it might not seem fair for me to say that this has been a long week, but when you're not feeling 100% it makes everything longer. Not to mention that my family members have all been back to work and caring for me at the same time. I'd like to think that I'm back to being independent, but that's the furthest thing from the truth. I can do simple things like get in and out of bed alone, but it's a lot more work then it used to be. I am appreciating this weeks little triumphs: showering, staples being removed, attempting to cook dinner, taking less pain medications, and reconciling our check book.
Jon and I are going to be going home tomorrow morning and staying until Sunday night. We're going to evaluate Sunday night whether or not I still need to spend next week at mom's.
I'll let everyone know tomorrow how wonderful it is to be home... sleeping in my own bed!
Jon and I are going to be going home tomorrow morning and staying until Sunday night. We're going to evaluate Sunday night whether or not I still need to spend next week at mom's.
I'll let everyone know tomorrow how wonderful it is to be home... sleeping in my own bed!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Today's appointment
It was a rather quick appointment, but Dr. Medwell's always to the point and quick... so I'll try to be as well:
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
PS. Paco joined us at mom's this evening. Jon picked him up from Vayver's on his way home. I'm so thankful for her being so wonderful and willing to take on an energetic puppy for two full weeks! Thank you Valann!
- He told me that this was the end of our relationship and I should never have to see him again (Mom joked it's best to have a quick break up) I agree lol
- My staples were removed
- I can't lift anything over 10 lbs or work for 6 weeks from surgery (Freedom day=Sept. 28th)
- I can eat what I please... I'll probably stay away from popcorn, just to be safe
- Most exciting for Jon and I.... we have no restrictions as to when we can start a family. This is not a hint that it will be trying immediately; we still have plenty of things we're enjoying as a couple first.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
PS. Paco joined us at mom's this evening. Jon picked him up from Vayver's on his way home. I'm so thankful for her being so wonderful and willing to take on an energetic puppy for two full weeks! Thank you Valann!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Busy Day
The day started when mom woke me up and moved me to the couch... It was too early for me to know what time it was, but Jon had left for work so it was after 6. I slept until 9:30 and then had breakfast... I didn't eat breakfast prior to surgery, but I have to now to take me medicine. Frosted Mini-Wheats are becoming my favorite. I watched an episode of Closer that I recorded on the DVR from Monday. Towards the end of the show Jeannette and Angie came with 2 cards, a wonderful gift for a massage, and a plant.
They stayed for a while as we caught up on work, my progress, and some of the fun going on in their lives.
My Grandma and Grandpa Bailey came with Kayla in tow a few hours later. It was great seeing both of them. Grandma visited while I was in the hospital, but Grandpa wasn't up to with his health, so it was neat seeing both of them today.
An hour or so after Chanda, Chloe, and Alisa came to visit. While they were here my buddy Tom stopped in and gave me a CD he's been recording (he has a great voice) and he met Jon for the first time.
I attempted to make dinner in hopes of thanking Mom and Mark for all that they've been doing, but Jon had to finish for me because apparently I had overdone it today. I do great all day, but toward the evening I start running on empty.
Tomorrow is my one week follow up with Dr. Medwell. I get my staples removed tomorrow and learn more about what his expectations are for me with my recovery ie when I can start driving again, being back at our home, and returning to work. I'll be sure to update tomorrow early afternoon when I get back home from my appointment.
Thank you for every one's thoughtfulness: texts, emails, cards, flowers, love, and prayers... They make a world of difference.
They stayed for a while as we caught up on work, my progress, and some of the fun going on in their lives.
My Grandma and Grandpa Bailey came with Kayla in tow a few hours later. It was great seeing both of them. Grandma visited while I was in the hospital, but Grandpa wasn't up to with his health, so it was neat seeing both of them today.
An hour or so after Chanda, Chloe, and Alisa came to visit. While they were here my buddy Tom stopped in and gave me a CD he's been recording (he has a great voice) and he met Jon for the first time.
I attempted to make dinner in hopes of thanking Mom and Mark for all that they've been doing, but Jon had to finish for me because apparently I had overdone it today. I do great all day, but toward the evening I start running on empty.
Tomorrow is my one week follow up with Dr. Medwell. I get my staples removed tomorrow and learn more about what his expectations are for me with my recovery ie when I can start driving again, being back at our home, and returning to work. I'll be sure to update tomorrow early afternoon when I get back home from my appointment.
Thank you for every one's thoughtfulness: texts, emails, cards, flowers, love, and prayers... They make a world of difference.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Recovering at Mom's
Well Jon and I are staying this week at mom's. We don't know the exact day that I'll be be feeling up to being back at our home. Saturday was a rough day all around. The nausea hung around a while and I didn't have energy at all, but mom took great care of me. Jon did too when he got here after working all day.
Yesterday was a huge day... I showered and shaved. BIG accomplishment! I hung out on the couch and stayed awake for an entire movie with Jon and Nate. I was very exhausted by 2pm, but I was in too much pain to sleep. Mom intervened and made me go to bed. I feel like I'm a little kid and I don't want to miss anything by being in bed. But I finally took a nap from 4 until 7 last night.
The hardest part now is learning what I can do and what I can't. I don't like being dependent on everyone else, and I feel guilty always asking for help. But the smallest things like going up and down the stairs are exhausting and cause pain if I don't take my time. So it's baby steps for the next few weeks.
I'm going to take a nap before my sister comes with my niece and nephew to visit. I'll try to update tonight.
Yesterday was a huge day... I showered and shaved. BIG accomplishment! I hung out on the couch and stayed awake for an entire movie with Jon and Nate. I was very exhausted by 2pm, but I was in too much pain to sleep. Mom intervened and made me go to bed. I feel like I'm a little kid and I don't want to miss anything by being in bed. But I finally took a nap from 4 until 7 last night.
The hardest part now is learning what I can do and what I can't. I don't like being dependent on everyone else, and I feel guilty always asking for help. But the smallest things like going up and down the stairs are exhausting and cause pain if I don't take my time. So it's baby steps for the next few weeks.
I'm going to take a nap before my sister comes with my niece and nephew to visit. I'll try to update tonight.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Being Discharged
So I'm breaking out of this place in less then an hour. I'm having really bad heartburn and nausea this morning, which is just the pits. My rounding doctor said it's something I can work through at home and not something that's keep me stuck here. I'm looking forward to sleeping in a normal bed, lots of TV channels (3-13 are horrible), and being able to sleep.
My Neer Grandparents sent me beautiful flowers this morning and I'm in my own clothes... Two good highlights to the day!
I'll be updating everyone once I'm settled at moms.
My Neer Grandparents sent me beautiful flowers this morning and I'm in my own clothes... Two good highlights to the day!
I'll be updating everyone once I'm settled at moms.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Grandma Time!
I mentioned that I spent time with my Grandma Barb & Papa last weekend,
here are some photos:

It was great having G'ma and Papa up here. It was the first time in two years that I've spent time with them. I wanted to get these posted prior to the hospital stay, but oh well!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New Diet
Exciting news!!! I get to start my clear liquid diet today! I've ordered a popsicle, cranberry juice, jello, gummy bears, and an americano for my momma. It's the little things that make us happy.
I still haven't slept much today, but when mom and I finish the Sex in The City Movie I'm napping! Visitors aren't expected until this afternoon, so I'll get some shut eye.
I still haven't slept much today, but when mom and I finish the Sex in The City Movie I'm napping! Visitors aren't expected until this afternoon, so I'll get some shut eye.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Summary of My First Full Day
Here's the details of my 1st full day since surgery:
*Woke up at 6:30, tried to make mom wake up to keep me company... 15 minutes later the rounding doctor came in and she had to wake up.
*7:00 Nurse came to draw blood. Had to poke me twice
*7:30 Dr. Medwell arrived and told me what a great looking mom I have (very true) and said that I can start clear liquids tomorrow and will go home Saturday(fingers crossed)
* 8:15 Daddy called to check on me
*8:45 I called work to check on them and give them the link to my blog
*9:15 talked with my niece Johanna and my sis Jen-ai, then my step momma Les called
and I talked with her.
*9:50 I spoke with my hubby and he said I took the last of the toothpaste- I gave him instructions on where to find our back up supply (see why I worry about him?) LOL
*10:15 Grandma Barb & Papa, Aunt Char, Grandma Bailey, and Cousin Craigo all showed up. It was nice having company.
*11:30 got out of bed for the first time, took two laps and they removed the catheter.
Jon arrived shortly after.
*Aunt Char took Craigo and Grandma home a little before 1pm after view pictures Grandma Barb brought up with her from me growing up.
*A little before 2pm Grandma Barb and Papa left. They head home to Oregon tomorrow.
It means so much that they came up to see me.
*2:00pm Jon took mom to get lunch in the cafeteria, I slept.
*3:15 they came back and we watched I love you man. During the movie mom and Jon ate cashews... I was totally starving and bit their head off. Sorry mommy and Jon.
*After the movie I made some phone calls and texts.
*6:00 Mark and Nate arrived with beautiful Steilacoom Farmers Market fresh cut flowers.
*6:25 Jon, Mom, Mark, and Nate went to the cafeteria for dinner. I started to blog.
*7:05 Jon came back and spent some one on one time with me before heading home at 7:40
*7:30 Mom, Mark, and Nate returned... we hung out until 8:10
before the boys left to go home.
*Now it's just mom and I. I'm going to try and sleep. I know the nurses will be waking me up often, so I'm going to bed early. :) Good night!
I've been awake for about an hour now and my pain is in much better control today. I'm sleepy so I'm keeping this short. :) Mom will probably be updating again this afternoon or evening.... she can keep her train of thought better than I.
Thank you everyone for the prayers! They have been answered!
Thank you everyone for the prayers! They have been answered!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Out of Surgery
Brit arrived at Swedish Hospital at 11:00 this morning. Jon went back to the pre-op area while Cheryl and Rob waited.
At noon Jon traded places with Cheryl to accompany Brit to the Surgery Center. The anesthesiologist started the IV, the Heparin injection was given and Dr. Medwell arrived to discuss his main concern of the past 24 hrs; namely, the high likelihood of having to make a "T" incision to reach the anastimosis (previous surgical "connections"). He told Brit he'd not done a "T" cut in 31 years and didn't want to do one today. He had prepared us for a surgery lasting up to 3 hrs. At 1:15 Brit was taken to the operating room.
Jon, Cheryl, and Rob were joined by Grandma Barb, Papa Claude, Andrea, Kevin, Grandma and Grandpa Bailey.
At 2pm, Dr. Medwell came to the waiting area and said it had gone as well as he could have hoped for. He found that Brit has minimal scarring and adhesions after last year's surgeries. The top anastimosis had kinked and adhered so he created a new "huge" one. The lower anastimosis had slight adhesions which he snipped. He was very pleased with what he found.
We didn't get to see Brit until almost 4:30 because they had a hard time getting her pain controlled post operatively. Once it was under control, her room was flooded by those who were waiting and she did her best to interact. Mark arrived shortly after 6pm and received a bright and nearly lucid smile!
It's almost 10pm. It's been a long day, but we are a grateful family. Hugely relieved and very thankful to our Lord who hears and answers our prayers.
At noon Jon traded places with Cheryl to accompany Brit to the Surgery Center. The anesthesiologist started the IV, the Heparin injection was given and Dr. Medwell arrived to discuss his main concern of the past 24 hrs; namely, the high likelihood of having to make a "T" incision to reach the anastimosis (previous surgical "connections"). He told Brit he'd not done a "T" cut in 31 years and didn't want to do one today. He had prepared us for a surgery lasting up to 3 hrs. At 1:15 Brit was taken to the operating room.
Jon, Cheryl, and Rob were joined by Grandma Barb, Papa Claude, Andrea, Kevin, Grandma and Grandpa Bailey.
At 2pm, Dr. Medwell came to the waiting area and said it had gone as well as he could have hoped for. He found that Brit has minimal scarring and adhesions after last year's surgeries. The top anastimosis had kinked and adhered so he created a new "huge" one. The lower anastimosis had slight adhesions which he snipped. He was very pleased with what he found.
We didn't get to see Brit until almost 4:30 because they had a hard time getting her pain controlled post operatively. Once it was under control, her room was flooded by those who were waiting and she did her best to interact. Mark arrived shortly after 6pm and received a bright and nearly lucid smile!
It's almost 10pm. It's been a long day, but we are a grateful family. Hugely relieved and very thankful to our Lord who hears and answers our prayers.
Preparing to Leave
I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep, but instead of being really tired and emotional I don't really have any reservations or worry. I think I cried it all out of my system yesterday...
So this morning I'm taking the opportunity to do all the things I can to enjoy myself... i.e. shaving my legs (unless you've stayed in the hospital for 15 days, you might not appreciate how amazing it is!) I'm also enjoying jumping on and off the scale and the flatter fitter tummy I have (Surgery preps are my secret weight loss) hehehe! I'm also going on my ride. I don't know what the future holds, but God does and today I know that with 100% certainty.
Thank you for all the prayers, they make a difference! XOXOXOXO
So this morning I'm taking the opportunity to do all the things I can to enjoy myself... i.e. shaving my legs (unless you've stayed in the hospital for 15 days, you might not appreciate how amazing it is!) I'm also enjoying jumping on and off the scale and the flatter fitter tummy I have (Surgery preps are my secret weight loss) hehehe! I'm also going on my ride. I don't know what the future holds, but God does and today I know that with 100% certainty.
Thank you for all the prayers, they make a difference! XOXOXOXO
Monday, August 17, 2009
Surgery Tomorrow
Well surgery is tomorrow and today has been the hardest day for me.
I got to spend part of the weekend with my grandparents who I haven't seen for a couple years. Grandma and I got coffee and our toes done. Last night Grandma and Papa took us out for my last meal. Andi met us at their hotel last night; we ate blizzards, went over pictures and reminisced. I was so glad Jon got to meet them and it was a great end to a weekend.
This afternoon, everything hit me when Paco had to go to our friends. I totally broke down. I've had my emotional times, but I try to play tough. I haven't been able to do that today. I've known for weeks that when Paco went to our friends, it was time. I've known for three weeks that it's tomorrow and I don't feel prepared at all. I'm scared of the unknown and this time there's a lot of it.
Jon asked what he could do to help, so tomorrow he's taking me to the hospital on our new motorcycle, in my new pink gear! I've had so many restrictions the last 24 hours and nothing in my paperwork said I can't go by bike... so mom's driving behind us and hiding my gear in her car after we arrive. Being on the bike is something I love and we don't know the next time I'll be able to ride. So if your driving northbound from Tacoma to Seattle between 10-11am, look for me in pink!
I'm so thankful for my supportive husband who has the most positive outlook on this... my family and friends have been amazing too. I have faith that God knows the outcome and that I'm in his hands... but I'm still so scared. Please pray for the surgeons, my family, and for me.
*Jon may update this tomorrow after I'm in recovery... he's not a blogger so be patient....
I got to spend part of the weekend with my grandparents who I haven't seen for a couple years. Grandma and I got coffee and our toes done. Last night Grandma and Papa took us out for my last meal. Andi met us at their hotel last night; we ate blizzards, went over pictures and reminisced. I was so glad Jon got to meet them and it was a great end to a weekend.
This afternoon, everything hit me when Paco had to go to our friends. I totally broke down. I've had my emotional times, but I try to play tough. I haven't been able to do that today. I've known for weeks that when Paco went to our friends, it was time. I've known for three weeks that it's tomorrow and I don't feel prepared at all. I'm scared of the unknown and this time there's a lot of it.
Jon asked what he could do to help, so tomorrow he's taking me to the hospital on our new motorcycle, in my new pink gear! I've had so many restrictions the last 24 hours and nothing in my paperwork said I can't go by bike... so mom's driving behind us and hiding my gear in her car after we arrive. Being on the bike is something I love and we don't know the next time I'll be able to ride. So if your driving northbound from Tacoma to Seattle between 10-11am, look for me in pink!
I'm so thankful for my supportive husband who has the most positive outlook on this... my family and friends have been amazing too. I have faith that God knows the outcome and that I'm in his hands... but I'm still so scared. Please pray for the surgeons, my family, and for me.
*Jon may update this tomorrow after I'm in recovery... he's not a blogger so be patient....
Monday, August 10, 2009
I haven't written since I met with my surgeon. He did the scope and found that the lower connection site is more narrow then it should be. Dr. M said that I shouldn't have had any problems with that area, because when he stitched up that section it was a good size connection... But now it was so narrow he couldn't get the scope through to the upper site. It looks like surgery in both areas is a probability, but he won't know until surgery. This isn't what we wanted to hear, but it's OK. I know that no matter what God's in control and with me through all of this.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Today I'm headed to see my surgeon and having my test/procedure. As I've mentioned before this will determine how extensive my surgery will be. Hopefully by the end of the day I'll have some questions answered and know what to expect come surgery. I'm more at peace with this than I thought I would be. It helps talking to family and friends knowing that I'm being prayed for by so many.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Just for Me
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Ever go to church and feel the worship songs were chosen for you and the message was tailored to your situation and life. Well last Sunday was every bit of that for me. Jon's Grandpa even made a comment to me about it being what I needed to hear.
Things are definitely coming together. Tomorrow I have an out patient procedure at my surgeons office and I'm scheduled for surgery on August 18th in Seattle. While my I'm still nervous, I have a better peace about things.
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