Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another Trip to the Surgeons

OK I know I haven't been keeping everyone update enough. For the last few days I've been keeping an eye on my wound/incision/scar and it's healing process... It hasn't been looking right to me since Sunday, Mom and Jon said Tuesday...

It started to get puffy and for fear of grossing any one out I leave the visual description to that. It's warm, not hot, it's turned red, there's little if no pain, unless my pants rub but there's worry for infection. I saw a nurse yesterday with mom's work who told me I should be with my surgeon right away. So today I see him at 10:20. She told me it could be a stitch that my body isn't absorbing, but it could be an infection... either way, the fluid may need to be drained.... oops was that too much? I have this fear of it needing to be lanced or something.

I was beginning to feel good, still not sleeping, but feeling better and better. All week with nothing but Tylenol, which is awesome. But this kind of knocks the breathe out of my lungs. I've never had one surgery, go without some type of problem. Can't I catch a break? I feel like there should be a level or amount of pain one person should be allowed to feel... I say this on my hard day, knowing that this is little and many MANY people have it worse then I do. I feel guilty feeling like this; especially when I work in oncology and know that my troubles are small in comparison of many of out patients.

My FB page has been reassuring to me, with everyone noting their prayers for me. It's reassuring in down moments to see all the people praying, when mine seem more like pleas. Thank you for being strong on be half.

I'll update everyone this afternoon!

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